(b. December 13, 1931, d. June 4, 2013, Savannah, GA)
SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) – Musician Ben Tucker performed with stars from Quincy Jones to Peggy Lee before he settled in the 1970s in Savannah, where the jazz bassist became one of the Georgia city’s best-known working musicians. He was killed in a car crash Tuesday at age 82. Tucker was driving a golf cart across a road on Hutchinson Island when a car slammed into him at high speed, said Savannah-Chatham County police spokesman Julian Miller. Tucker was pronounced dead at a local hospital. Robert William Martin, the driver of the car that struck him was charged with vehicular homicide, racing and reckless driving in connection to the crash. Testimony at Martin’s arraignment showed that while the defendant said he was slowing to 50 mph when he struck the golf cart, evidence taken from the Chrysler 300 that Martin was driving showed he was traveling at 90 mph two seconds before the collision. Ben Tucker CDs